Clearwater Cove Norris Lake Background
In 2009, Emerson Properties acquired all of the remaining unsold VNL property and the community name was changed to Clearwater Cove Norris Lake (CCNL). Over the next several years additional infrastructure, such as paved roads and underground utilities throughout Phases 1 and 3 of the community, were constructed. Also constructed were a state-of-the-art waste treatment plant, a private pavilion and swimming pool for CCNL owners and guests and a beautiful gated public marina with an easy access boat launch ramp to the lake.
Visitors to CCNL quickly recognize the well-preserved natural beauty of the woods and hills that comprise our peaceful gated community. Painstaking efforts have been taken by the CCNL HOA to continue to ensure that as our community grows the beauty that first prompted Mr. Shelby’s dream in 1959, and that has drawn so many of our owners to Clearwater Cove, continues to exist for years to come.
Reward yourself with a lakeside living experience that lets you enjoy the best of everything. Discover Clearwater Cove on Norris Lake today and create your own special getaway spot that is miles from the ordinary. We hope to see you soon.